The maximum rates for the service are agreed and approved by the Board of Directors of the Balearic Islands Port Authority.

Rates can be downloaded here

(Rates updated from 16/05/2024)
Calculate rate:

Tipo de buque


Rules of application

Non-engine vessels are subject to a 100% surcharge
Anchor entry services will be billed at 75% of the rate
If there is any delay in the start of the manoeuvre, due to causes attributable to the vessel, a delay of more than 30 minutes will be penalised:
- With 10% of the rate to apply if the stay of the Pilot on board is greater than 30 minutes and less than 1 hour.
- With 30% of the rate to apply if the stay of the Pilot on board is greater than 1 hour.
- After 2 hours, 50% of the fare will be invoiced, the service will be cancelled and a new request must be made.